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Welcome to my support page!
I am excited to share that "KanklÄ—s in New York" book is coming to the Vilnius Book Fair in Vilnius, Lithuania at the end of February.
Vilnius Book Fair is the largest book fair in the Baltic states! Super happy to be participating in this amazing event, but unfortunately I still don't have any grant or sponsor support for this part of the tour, yet... Only my travels within the US were sponsored by the Lithuanian Foundation. European trips are being self-funded.
Expenses related to my participation at the book fair:
- Participation fee 150 euros
- Designer fee for designing the walls 300 euros
- Printing fees 300 euros
- Flight tickets to Lithuania and back 700 euros
- Carpet and props for the booth 150 euros
TOTAL: 1600 euros / or 1740 USD
This donation page is completely secure.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me:
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